Relationship Trauma: The Impacts of Unresolved Pain
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Relationship Trauma: The Impacts of Unresolved Pain

The relationships, healthy and unhealthy, you engage in, shape and form you, in return. And while this impact is not set in stone, it takes intentionality and concentrated effort to counter and heal from the impact of unhealthy relationships. No matter how subtle the damage, unhealthy relationships can cause trauma. Let’s take a look at a few of the common lingering effects of relationship trauma.

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Healing Your "Trust Issues":  Moving Beyond Trauma-Induced Doubts and Insecurities
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Healing Your "Trust Issues":  Moving Beyond Trauma-Induced Doubts and Insecurities

We’ll unravel two more interconnected threads: "I can't trust myself" and "I can’t trust that good things will last." These deeply ingrained beliefs can leave us feeling insecure, doubting our choices, and hesitant to expect or embrace happiness. Let's delve into the origins of these beliefs and work toward reclaiming trust, both in ourselves and the world around us.

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Out of the Shadows: Reclaiming Your Power After Childhood Trauma
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Out of the Shadows: Reclaiming Your Power After Childhood Trauma

Do you ever struggle with a nagging whisper that tells you you're not good enough? Do you struggle with thoughts that you are a burden to your loved ones, or “bad luck” to your people, and unworthy of love and care? Does a sense of helplessness in regards to your own life and emotions, and guilt for others' difficulties and negative emotions keep you in a constant state of anxiety and shame?

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The Price of a False Peace: How Trauma Fuels People-Pleasing and Burnout
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

The Price of a False Peace: How Trauma Fuels People-Pleasing and Burnout

Do you ever feel like you're constantly running on empty, juggling work demands, personal needs, and the expectations of others? Are you a high achiever who prioritizes everyone else's well-being, leaving your own needs unmet? What if the source of your exhaustion isn't just the workload and societal expectations? What if your deep-seated need to please everyone stems from unresolved childhood trauma? It’s actually quite a common issue, these people-pleasing tendencies, and it’s a habit often rooted in childhood trauma. If this sounds familiar, you should know that this is an issue that can often lead to resentment, anxiety, and burnout if left unaddressed. Let’s take a look at the specifics and ways you can break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and prioritize your own well-being.

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Lingering Shadows: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Unresolved Trauma
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Lingering Shadows: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Unresolved Trauma

Birth trauma, childhood trauma, and relationship trauma, while distinct in their origins, are similar in the resulting effects of unresolved traumas on not only mental and emotional well-being, but also the way we navigate the complexities of birth, childhood, and intimate relationships throughout our lives. Understanding these long-term repercussions is crucial for both individuals grappling with the aftermath, and the professionals who hope to guide them toward healing.

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Evidence-Based Strategies for Sustaining and Enhancing Healthy Habits
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Evidence-Based Strategies for Sustaining and Enhancing Healthy Habits

In the pursuit of personal wellness, maintaining and nurturing healthy habits stands as a cornerstone. From regular exercise routines to mindful eating practices, these habits significantly impact mental, emotional, and physical well-being. However, the challenge often lies in sustaining these behaviors over time.

In this blog, we’ll dig into some of the latest research-backed methodologies that can fortify and perpetuate these essential practices.

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Important Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Relationships
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

Important Communication Skills to Strengthen Your Relationships

Effective communication is the backbone of any healthy and thriving relationship. Whether you're navigating the ups and downs of a romantic partnership or fostering connections with friends and family, these important communication components can help you build and maintain the strong, meaningful relationships you desire.

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7 Correlations of Sleep and Mental Health
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

7 Correlations of Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep is an essential aspect of our daily lives. It impacts our physical health, cognitive function, relationships, and overall well-being. However, its significance extends beyond mere rest and rejuvenation. The quality and quantity of our sleep greatly influence our mental health as well.

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5 Benefits of Optimal Mental Health
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

5 Benefits of Optimal Mental Health

Your mental health is vital to your overall well-being and so it is important to take all the necessary measures to ensure that you stay mentally healthy

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6 Ways To Build Healthy Relationships
Amy Anderson Amy Anderson

6 Ways To Build Healthy Relationships

Every relationship is unique because every person is different. There is no exact formula to keep a perfect relationship but there are ways that you and your partner can try in order to build a healthy one.

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