6 Ways To Build Healthy Relationships

Has your romantic relationship hit a few road bumps and not sure what to do to connect again? Chances are yes if you are 1.) human and 2.) have previously experienced any interpersonal trauma.

If you could hone in on 6 things to build healthier relationships - I recommend the following based on qualitative meta analysis of the research: 

  1. Show each other basic respect: Kindness 

Your partner is not your parent. You do not get to treat them like they are disposable. They are here for the long haul. Affirm all the good that you see in your partner. Use words that would build him or her up and not tear him or her down. Even when you disagree on something, you may respectfully disagree and resolve conflict by focusing on the issue and remembering you are on the same team.

If you struggle in this department- seek out support. Your life will grow tremendously from it. If you need to talk to a professional, reach out to me here (hyperlink to booking).

2. Talk about consent with your partner

Do not assume that you know him or her so well. Ask what makes your partner comfortable emotionally, physically, sexually, socially, spiritually,  and financially. Do not shy away from these subjects early on and see how you dance with disagreements and differences. Questions and consent are always sexy!

3. Boundaries with self and others is key to a healthy relationship

Piggybacking on the consent discussion- knowing your partners limits and needs that you have allows for emotional safety and intimacy to deepen. Ensuring you don’t feel resentment in the future- accepting yours and your partner boundaries is crucial here to assess for compatibility. Go deep here.

 4. Take things slowly in your relationship

There is no rush! Cherish every moment and use it to get to know more about your partner and it’s ok for you to be assessing.  Respect each other’s readiness to pursue new matters about your relationship. Trust and commitment helps with being able to take things slow and meet everyone’s comfort levels. 

5. Spend time apart from your partner

Take some “me” time. Your needs are as important as your partner’s needs but sometimes that gets complicated in relationships. Consider building an external support network if you don’t have a strong one and going out with family and friends apart from your partner. Hobbies and healthy personal, professional, and social outlets are the key to a balanced relationship.

6. Be able to repair, most important step out of the six 

Resolving a conflict works in two ways: You must be willing to forgive and you must be willing to apologize. Let your partner know how you truly feel and set a forgiving heart. But when the time comes that your shortcomings put the relationship at risk, be accountable enough. Own your mistakes and humbly apologize.

Mental health is mostly impacted by interpersonal relationships so harnessing your ability to build and grow a relationship into a healthy dynamic is essential for mental health. I really do believe that if you have healthy relationships - it allows you to live a more fulfilled authentic life.

If you want to work on your relationship in a safe neutral environment, I offer Couples and Family Counseling either in the office, via video or as a “walk & talk” session. You may find more about it here. Let’s connect!


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