
On a reel last week I pointed out that human beings are amazing engines of innovation and invention. I really think there’s nothing we can’t eventually accomplish, given enough time, resources and the vision and drive to accomplish it. The International Space Station – a marvel of human ingenuity, is all by itself, a testament to what we can achieve when we set our sights on a seemingly impossible goal– one of many! These incredible accomplishments underscore the power of a clear vision. It's the fuel that propels us forward, the guiding light that keeps us on track. But the relentless and unchecked pursuit of that vision can have an unintended and sometimes dire consequence.

We’re talking about diagnosing and healing from BURNOUT this summer– partly because it’s a part of my personal journey right now, and partly because it is, or soon will be, a national epidemic that we would be foolish not to address, as mental health professionals. Today I want to talk about rekindling your vision after burnout.

That relentless drive, when we aren’t willing or able to temper it with sensible rest and care for our physical bodies, can ironically, leave us feeling lost and uninspired. It is indeed the fuel for accomplishing the dreams and ambitious goals we all nurture in our hearts, but it can have an unintended consequence – the gradual dimming of the very vision that ignited our passion in the first place. We become so consumed with the "doing" that we lose sight of the "why." This shift from visionary enthusiasm to monotonous execution drains our creativity, sucks the joy out of our work, and ultimately reduces our once-meaningful endeavors to mere drudgery. This is burnout.

This phenomenon is deeply personal. I've experienced firsthand how neglecting to nurture my vision can erode my passion and impact all aspects of my life. It's a slippery slope, and recognizing the warning signs is crucial. When the initial excitement propelled you forward starts to wane, when tasks feel more like obligations and less like opportunities, it's time to take a step back and refocus.

So, the question remains: how do we fan the flames of passion after burnout has taken the joy out of our careers and callings? You have to reconnect with your vision. Take some intentional time to revisit the circumstance that initiated your vision. Think back to the original spark that ignited your journey. Was it a specific person who inspired you? A life-altering experience? A book that opened your eyes to new possibilities? Revisit that origin story to find your passion again:

  • People: Who were the mentors, colleagues, or friends who supported you in the early days? Reconnect with them, if possible. Even a quick conversation can reignite your enthusiasm.

  • Places: Was there a particular location that fueled your creativity? Perhaps a quiet cafe where you brainstormed ideas or a hiking trail that sparked moments of inspiration. Revisit these places and allow the memories to wash over you.

  • Activities: What were the hobbies or pursuits that ignited your passion? Did you enjoy painting? Playing music? Learning a new language? Reintroduce these activities into your life, even in a small way.

  • Ideas: What were the initial goals and dreams that set you on this path? Pull out old journals or revisit project proposals. Reconnecting with those original aspirations can remind you why you started in the first place.

Nurturing the Flame: Strategies for Maintaining Your Vision

When you are recovering from burnout, rekindling your passion is vital. But keeping your vision as you move forward is even more important. Protecting your vision requires ongoing effort. Here are some strategies to keep your flame burning brightly:

  • Schedule Vision Time: Block out dedicated time in your calendar to revisit your vision. This could be a weekly or monthly ritual, whatever works for you. Use this time to reflect, brainstorm, and recommit to your goals.

  • Embrace New Experiences: Stepping outside your comfort zone can spark creativity and lead to unexpected discoveries. Take a class, attend a conference, or travel to a new place.

  • Connect with Others: Surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who share your passions. Join a community, seek out a mentor, or participate in a mastermind group. Sharing your vision with others can keep you accountable and motivated.

  • Practice Gratitude: Taking time to appreciate the progress you've made and the opportunities you have can reignite your enthusiasm. Keep a gratitude journal or simply take a few minutes each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your journey.

By committing to these strategies and revisiting the wellspring of your passion, you can rekindle the fire within. This month, let's commit to a collective effort of vision revival. And you can hold me accountable to practice what I preach here! I have plans to rest and refuel my own passion this summer... Are you with me?


Blending Families after the Chaos- Evidence-Based Interventions for More Successful Family Outcomes


Professional Burnout: 8 Steps to Heal and Restore